Cogiscan was born…
Launched our first product, MSD Control
Secured our first happy (and paying) customer, BAE Systems… and they still use our system today!
June 27
Installed MSD Control for Raytheon
Launched new
PFC hardware & success-fully installed at Delphi Mexico for double-sided traceability solution
Launched a new line of RFID technology products, including RFID Smart Feeders
Established a successful, and still thriving, partnership with JUKI Europe
First project in China, Samsung factory
JUKI US Partnership: expanded to IFS software
Initiated our partnership with JUKI Japan & it’s still going strong!
Expanded our product offering to solve a broader range of SMT factory-wide challenges and launched our Track, Trace & Control (TTC) portfolio
Semecs installed our first end-to-end, factory-wide traceability solution
Fuji Japan Partnership: solutions for RFID Smart Feeders
JUKI worldwide started the IFS-NX software offering, powered by Cogiscan technology, to all of their customers
First project installed in South America – Newsan in Argentina
Largest factory-wide traceability solution installed at a Tier 1 EMS Supplier in Poland
Initiated our partnership with ITW
First joint project with iTAC-MES integration installed at Schneider Electric in Bangalore, India
Universal Instruments Partnership: installed complete TTC factory-wide solution for key customer in EMEA region
Released the Factory Intelligence Application
Launched Co-NECT Platform
Released customer-focused remote installation tools and infrastructure to keep support our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Exponential Partnership Potential: signed agreements with SAKI, ASM and Mycronic
We were acquired by the Dürr Group via iTAC Software AG – becoming a key member of the Dürr Group’s Digital Factory
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© 2021 Cogiscan. Tous droits réservés.
bug in circle corgiscan
+ 1-450 534-2644
+ 1-877-534-2644 (USA and Canada only)
28-B boulevard de l’Aéroport
Bromont (Quebec), Canada J2L 1S6